The Training Center Governance Committee was legislatively mandated in 2015 with the expectation to provide a single voice to the Legislature. The Governance Committee meets to discuss access and use of the facility to eliminate conflicts, promote effective communication, work collaboratively as a single group to resolve conflicts and provide fair and impartial resolution to matters at the facility. The Governance Committee is responsible for submitting Capital Construction projects. Last year we received $50,000 for an engineering study to evaluate the shooting range roof which has been leaking causing an ice buildup on the shooting range pad (2) to complete a need assessment study to determine future use of the West Cottage and Main Training Center Building to ensure money spent addresses safety, environmental health and provides a modern learning environment for students. The Committee reviews contracts between different facility users to determine the most cost effective and efficient way of operating the campus. The Governance Committee reviews the Safety Subcommittee’s work and creates an annual report to the Legislature.
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Agendas
The Governance Committee meets several times per year and the membership includes:
Executive Director of Division of Fire Safety, Chair
Michael Desrochers
Chief of Fire Service Training
Michael Skaza
Chair Fire Service Training Council
John Marcus
Chair Vermont Criminal Justice Council
William Sorrell
Executive Director of Vermont Criminal Justice Council, Vice-Chair
Heather Simons
Vermont State Police
James Whitcomb
Buildings and General Services
Sherilyn Lafley
Travis Denton
Training Center Safety Subcommittee
Training Safety Subcommittee of the Training Center Governance Committee 29 V.S.A. 842
The Safety Subcommittee of the Training Center Governance Committee was formed in 2015 and is required by the Legislature to meet annually on or before February 1, review the safety records of the Training Center; and on or before July 1, submit to the Training Center Governance Committee its recommendations regarding how training safety at the Training Center could be improved. The Safety Subcommittee reviews OSHA 300 recordable injuries that occur on campus or during Academy training and provide risk management solutions to prevent further occurrences in the future when necessary. The Safety Subcommittee also encourages ways in which the Police and Fire Academy’s training centers can be consistent in the distribution of safety guidelines, equipment, training, and reporting documentation.
The Safety Subcommittee is comprised of seven members who are appointed by the head of agency who is named in Statute. These appointments have no term length or expiration and committee members are compensated for their time by the appointing authority. At minimum the Committee meets twice per calendar year to review safety within training and create a safety report for the Governance Committee. The membership is listed below:
Two representatives appointed by the Vermont Police Academy:
Lindsay Thivierge
Currently vacant
Two representatives appointed by the Vermont Fire Academy:
Michael Skaza
Chris Pixley
Commissioner of Labor or designee:
Dan Whipple
Risk Management Manager - Office of Risk Management within the Agency of Administration:
Rebecca White
Vermont League of Cities and Towns Executive Director or their designee:
Trevor Whipple
Meeting Minutes
December 16, 2021
December 29, 2022
December 28, 2023
Meeting Agendas
December 16, 2021
December 29, 2022
2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023