The Vermont Fire Incident Reporting System (VFIRS) is operated by the Division of Fire Safety to better understand the fire problem in Vermont. Fire reporting is required by State Statute. Each fire department is required to submit their emergency incident data reports to the State Fire Marshal’s Office in accordance with Vermont Statute 20 V.S.A. Section 2833.
VFIRS is an integral part of the larger National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) The Division of Fire Safety maintains and manages the data collection for the Vermont portion of the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS). The Vermont data is entered directly in to the national database to help develop a picture of the fire problem throughout the United States.
For additional information about NFIRS visit: National Fire Incident Reporting System
Submit NFIRS Reports Now
Going forward It is recommended that users enter reports monthly and if not, at least log in once a month to keep the log in updated.
We are still requesting that fire departments who have not done so, to close out all fire incident reports for 2023 and submit them via the e-NFIRS new log in page.
The National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) is a reporting standard that fire departments use to uniformly report on the full range of their activities, from fires to emergency medical Services (EMS) to severe weather and natural disasters.
While NFIRS is a voluntary system, it is used in Vermont to comply with the requirements of 20 V.S.A. § 2685-Record of fires, as well as federal grant award requirements. This data is also used to develop a picture of the fire problems and activity of all the fire departments in our State.
If you are experiencing problems or need more assistance, please feel free to directly email us. In most cases the state’s NFIRS program management team can provide free one on one technical assistance. It is our goal to help your department become compliant with the State’s incident reporting requirements.
In November 2020, NFIRS went through a system modernization update called e-NFIRS. The data entry program was not available for a few weeks during the update. However, we have received word that the upgrade is complete and the e-NFIRS system is online and operating properly. Direct data entry as well as bulk importing from third-party software can now be performed.
This upgraded system continues to be an online reporting system that has numerous improvements, including a way you can reset your own passwords! All emails and notices as well as temporary passwords will go to the email listed in the account. To that end, all users need to make sure their email is current in the NFIRS system. This email should be the email of the person who is doing the entry.
During the upgrade process we did discover that some accounts that were being used prior to the e-NFIRS update did not migrate over to the new system. If you cannot log in or did not receive a temporary password, you may need to re-register as a new user.

We have developed a few basic step-by-step e-NFIRS information sheets to help users who have been encountering problems getting into the new system.
User’s Login Information How to Re-Register Help & How to - Notes
You can also Visit the USFA NFIRS website National Fire Incident Reporting System training and coding help page for training, coding handbooks and user guides. https://www.usfa.fema.gov/data/nfirs/support/training.html
e-NFIRS - How-to videos.
eNFIRS: How to register as a user – The Single Sign-on (SSO) is a feature new to e-NFIRS, that places all NFIRS tools in one location, requiring just one login
.e-NFIRS: Overview of Single Sign-On – The Single Sign-on (SSO) is a feature new to e-NFIRS that places all NFIRS tools in one location, requiring just one login.
e-NFIRS: Forgot Username and Password – This video will guide you through the process to self-manage your username and/or password.
e-NFIRS: Search for an Incident – Already have an incident in the NFIRS system? Need to find it again? This video will show you how to search for an existing incident using the e-NFIRS interface.
e-NFIRS: Create Incident - Step-by-step instructions for how to create an incident with e-NFIRS.
e-NFIRS: Add Module – Step-by-step instructions for adding a module to an existing NFIRS report.
e-NFIRS: Form-Based Incident Report (FBIR) Utility – Instructions on how to use the FBIR to create a portable document format (PDF) file to print a paper copy of an existing NFIRS report.
NFIRS National COVID-19 Special Study
The U.S. Fire Administration’s (USFA) National Fire Data Center (NFDC) is implementing a National-level special study in the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) to assist fire departments in recording responses to the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). The special study will run until Dec. 31, 2022.
The severity of the COVID-19 spread is impacting the Nation's fire service. The use of NFIRS, along with other data collected about COVID-19, helps in the analysis of the Nationwide fire department response to the pandemic. This National-level special study will ensure that the data is collected uniformly.
To read more please visit the COVID-19 Special Study page
Visit the COVID-19 Special Study Dashboard
Vermont General Information and Quick Reference Guide Currently being updated
NFIRSGrams These short bulletins provide coding help to fire department personnel using NFIRS. NFIRSGrams address frequently asked questions and common mistakes made when completing incident forms.
Sample paper forms for NFIRS This file includes the following forms: Basic, Supplemental, Fire, Structure Fire, Civilian Fire Casualty, Fire Service Casualty, Emergency Medical Services, Hazardous Materials, Wildland Fire, Apparatus or Resources, Personnel, Arson and Juvenile Firesetter. These forms may be used as a basis for State or local forms.
National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) Website
National Fire Information Council Vermont has been a member of NFIC since the Council was formed in 1983
Estimated Dollar Loss Tools
Vermont Open Geodata Portal. https://geodata.vermont.gov/