On July 1, 2021 Vermont consolidated 13 separate Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) to one statewide LEPC to carry out the requirements of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA). The statewide LEPC will focus on identification of hazardous materials that pose a risk and evaluating the available resources for preparing and responding to a potential natural or manmade disaster that could result in the release of hazardous chemicals.
20 V.S.A. § 32. Local emergency planning committees; creation; duties
LEPC Members
LEPC Chair : Robert Morlino
Vice Chair : Kevin McAllister
Alberto Della Torre - Lamoille County REMC - Default
Kevin McAllister – MARC REMC - Default
Dara Zink – REMC- Default
Robert Morlino - Rutland County REMC - Appointed
Dan Kuzio - Addison County REMC - Appointed
Bruce Melendy – NVDA - Default
Christine Forde –CCRPC - Default
Jeff Campbell - CVRPC - Appointed
Alex Northern - TRORC REMC - Appointed
Alyssa Sabetto – WRC - Default
Shaun Coleman - Franklin County REMC - Default
Brandy Latimer - Grand Isle County REMC - Default
Andrew L'Roe SERC representative
Unfilled Organization / Field Seats – do not count towards quorum:
Vermont Ambulance Association -Vacant
Vermont Sheriffs’ Association -Vacant
Vermont Association of Broadcasters -Vacant
Vermont Agency of Transportation (AOT) -Vacant
Vermont Association of Planning & Development Agencies (VAPDA) -Vacant
Vermont Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Coalition (VHEPC) -Vacant
Extremely Hazardous Substances (EHS) Industry (seat 1) -Vacant
Extremely Hazardous Substances (EHS) Industry (seat 2) -Vacant
Vermont National Guard (VTNG) -Vacant
Vermont Department of Health (VDH) -Vacant
Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Farms, and Markets (VAAFM) -Vacant
Non Voting Members
Kevin McAllister - VT Career Fire Chiefs Assoc.
Phil Marquette
Erik Rosenbauer
Patrick McLaughlin (HAZMAT Response Team chief)
Mike Skaza (Fire Academy)
Adam Heuslein (EMS District 2
Tiana Smith - Green Mountain Power
Other LEPC Documents
LEPC Statewide - Bylaws
Statewide Hazmat Plan
County Annex Hazmat Plans
Grand Isle
Meeting Minutes
NEXT LECP Meeting Scheduled for Tuesday, July 9, 2024, 10 AM
The in-person location is TBD.
Jan 16th 2024 - Agenda - Approved Minutes
Aug 8th, 2023 - Agenda - Approved Minutes
May 9th, 2023 - Agenda -Approved Minutes
Aug 10, 2020 - Approved Minutes
All LEPC meetings will be publicly warned at the Vermont Department of Libraries website located at http://libraries.vermont.gov/events
Questions and LEPC Tier II Submissions
Please Email DPS.StatewideLEPC@vermont.gov
Mailing Address
Statewide LEPC
45 State Dr.
Waterbury, VT 05671