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Trade Licensing and Certifications

The Division of Fire Safety administers licensing and certification of trade groups to maintain professionals at a high level of technical knowledge.  Most licensing and certification programs require continuing education to keep current with code changes and emerging technology. (Revised instructions for online testing can be found on Page 7)

The forms below are fillable PDF's, once completed, mail in with payment.

Master list of license and certification holders

Master list of HVAC Companies

Master List of approved continuing education providers

Continuing Education Provider Request Form

For new Plumbing, Electrical and Elevator applications, please fill out the Employer Affidavit form and then upload the completed and signed form to your electronic Application submital.

Licensing Ledger:
EM - Electrical Master
EJ - Electrical Jouryneyman
ES - Electrical Specialist
          A1- Automatic Gas / Oil Heating
          B2 - Outdoor Advertising
          C3 - Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
          D4 - Appliance and Motor Repairs
          E5 - Well Pumps
          F6 - Farm Equipment
         G7c - Commercial Fire Alarms
         G7g - Gas Pumps / Bulk Plants
         G7k - Electrical Locksmith
         G7l - Lightning Rod Installers
         G7s - Solar Panel Installers

PM - Plumbing master
PJ - Plumbing Journeyman
PS - Plumbing Specialist
          P1 - Water Heater Specialist
          P2 - Heating System Specialist
          P3 - Water Treatment Specialist

ELI - Elevator Inspector
ELE - Elevator Mechanic
ELL - Elevator Lift Mechanic

Information on testing for electrical, plumbing, elevator and lift mechanic licenses from The International Code Council (ICC)

Information on Vermont Energy Goals

Vermont Energy Goals - Educational Module Memo pdf 

For assistance, please use the following contact information.

Electricians, Plumbers and Commissioned Boiler Inspectors:   Phone Number: 802-479-7564

Oil and Gas Technicians: Phone Number: 802-216-0500