Program: Pumping Apparatus Driver Operator (PADO)
Location: St. Albans Fire Station
Orientation Date: Thursday, March 6, 2025
Registration Deadline: 4 P.M. on February 20 , 2025
Time: Weeknight class time: 1800 - 2200
Weekend class time: 0800 - 1700
****Tentative Program Schedule****
Attendance at every class meeting is mandatory for successful completion of this program.
This program includes theory, calculations, and requires book work. Students will learn general principles of pump operation, along with the application of those principles wherever feasible. The program will guide driver/operators in the proper operation and care of apparatus. Overview of the qualities and skills needed by a driver/operator, safe driving techniques, types of pumping apparatus, positioning apparatus to maximize efficiency and water supply, fire pump theory and operation, hydraulic calculations, water supply considerations, relay pumping principles, water shuttle procedures, foam system operation, and apparatus maintenance and testing. addresses the pumper operator skills needed to move water from a pressurized hydrant or static source to the fireground. Rural water supply techniques, concepts dealing with static water sources and moving the water to the fireground by pumper relay or tanker shuttle are presented and hands-on job skills are practiced. Large diameter hose equipment and techniques are discussed and included in practical activities.
Although Emergency Vehicle Driver Training is a required component of this program, driving skills will have to be validated by the Chief or designated Training Officer of your home fire department in order to complete this program.
- PADO Module 1: Emergency Vehicle Operations and the Operator (19 hours): Includes Emergency Vehicle Driver Training, National Traffic Incident Management, and Basic Fireground Functions.
- PADO Module 2: Fire Streams and Hydraulics (15 hours)
- PADO Module 3: Fire Pump Positioning, Theory, and Operating (15 hours)
- PADO Module 4: Water Supply Practices (12 hours)
Prerequisites: Students must be a minimum of 18 years of age, be affiliated with a fire department, and possess a valid driver's license.
To register, download the PADO/EVDT Admission Application, fill it out and return it to the Vermont Fire Academy. Please send applications and certifications to: Priority will go to Vermont Firefighters. The class minimum is 5 students and the class maximum is 12 students.
Apparatus Requirements: Students will be required to bring pumping apparatus from their home department for practical exercises. This must be arranged with your Chief of Department prior to enrolling in the program.