Location: Vermont Fire Academy and other varying locations in the Pittsford area
Dates: June 16 - 20, 2025
Time: 0800 - 1700 each day
Application Deadline: Monday, June 2 at 1600
Click here for an application
Please email applications to: dps.vfaapplications@vermont.gov
Program minimum is 15 students and the maximum is 20 students by the application deadline.
Vermont Fire Academy dorm space may be available upon advanced request.
Course Description: This program will cover material that meets the NFPA 1006, Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel Professional Qualification, 2017 Edition, to the Rope Rescue Awareness and Operations level.
This is an interactive program that requires active involvement by all students. Students will be working from heights and will be required to perform physically demanding skills. Topics that will be covered include PPE, safety, hardware & software, rescue rope rules, rope use, care, inspection, knots, hitches and bends, anchors, belay, mechanical advantage, harnesses, patient packaging, low angle scenario, high angle rescue scenarios, and raising and lowering systems.
Full attendance of the entire program is required with no ability for make-ups. Students will be expected to complete all reading assignments outside of class.
Students must be at least 18 years of age at the start of the program. Spots are awarded based on fair department disbursement.