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Lessons, Program Guides and Resources

sound off


Firefighter and Team Resources

These resources are designed for fire safety educators and classroom teachers who are participating in the Sound Off with the Home Fire Safety Patrol educational program.

Here you will find an implementation guide and links to the program resources developed for presenting the program in schools and non-academic settings. 

National Fire Safety Education Materials and Programsusfa

U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) -

materials to help your fire department increase community awareness about fire safety, get fire prevention messages into news stories, and share information about fire and other safety issues that threaten lives in your community. 


FEMA - for Kids

Multidisciplinary lessons, games and activities that teach what to do before, during and after an emergency or disaster.


US Forest Service - Smokey Bear ResourcesGet helpful teacher resources! We have several materials that meet national teaching standards. As a teacher, you can introduce a whole new generation of children to Smokey Bear and his message of Wildfire Prevention.

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Featured Resources and Programs

Special in-state assistance is available from our fire safety education specialists to help local communities run a program.

NFPA - Learn Not to Burn Programclass

Learn Not to Burn (LNTB) has served as the pillar of NFPA educational programs for more than 40 years. Our LNTB programs reach children using proven educational strategies that incorporate NFPA’s philosophy of teaching positive, practical fire safety messaging.

Learn Not to Burn Preschool Program Fire safety skills curriculum for children ages 3-5.

Learn Not to Burn Kindergarten Program Six fire safety messages using classroom lessons, activities, videos and home connections.

Learn Not to Burn Grade 1 Six fire safety messages using classroom lessons, activities and home connections.

Learn Not to Burn videos

NFPA - Sparky School House

Teachers and parents: Visit the Sparky School House to download fire safety apps, eBooks, lesson plans and more.

NFPA - Community Tool Kits

NFPA has created several tool kits to help public safety educators conduct successful community education campaigns.

NFPA - Mini-Lesson Plans

Fire and Life Safety Educators are invited to speak at a variety of venues. Careful planning can make the difference between an excellent visit and a mediocre one. A 10 minute mini-lesson is challenging because you need to hook the audience, help them learn new information, and wrap-up in a concise manner.

NFPA's 10-, 30- and 60-minute mini-lesson plans on cooking, smoke alarms and more.      

NFPA - Steps to Safety programsteps to safety

The NFPA Steps to Safety™ Prevent Fire and Falls at Home program pairs fire and EMS professionals with community partners to educate older adults about home fire and fall safety through group presentations, home visits.

Download the Steps to Safety™ Program Materials.       

Fire Prevention Week Resources

Fire prevention doesn’t end after fire prevention week is done. It’s EVERYDAY, by EVERYONE!  fpw sheet 2023There are simple steps you can take to promote this year's campaign all year long 

Promoting FPW



Safe Kids Worldwide - Fire Safety Program

Safe Kids Worldwide is a global organization dedicated to preventing injuries in children, Safe Kids works with an extensive network of more than 400 coalitions including Safe Kids Vermont to reduce injuries. 

Featured Resources and Programs

Safe Kids Fire Safety Information and Resources

Home fires can start and spread quickly, which is why we all need to be careful and educated when it comes to fire safety. Just a little bit of planning can make a big difference for your family.

Start Safe: Fire Resources for Educators

The Start Safe: Fire program was designed to make it easy for fire service professionals to work with preschool teachers to share important fire and burn safety lessons with young children.


Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI)

Each year, too many lives are disrupted by electrical fires and too many families mourn the loss of a loved one who is fatally injured by electricity on the job. Working together with our many safety partners, ESFI is making a difference in reducing electrically-related deaths, injuries and property losses.


jr FM academy

Junior Fire Marshal® Training Academy

The academy encourages K–3 students to explore the essentials of fire safety and earn their Junior Fire Marshal Certificate, through a collection of standards-aligned classroom resources.
