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2024 Operation Mayday!

Vermont’s coordinated statewide firefighter recruitment effort.

Statewide Recruitment Open House, May 11th

Operation Mayday is Vermont’s first coordinated statewide firefighter recruitment effort aimed at bringing new firefighters into the Vermont Fire Service.  The program highlights opportunities to serve in the Vermont Fire Service, either as a volunteer, paid-on-call, or career firefighter.

For the Public:  Find ways to serve your community as a volunteer or start a new career in the Vermont Fire Service.  

Fire Departments across Vermont are looking for help and you may have just what they are looking for!  Many local fire departments will be holding a recruitment open house on May 11th from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  Stop by one of the participating fire departments to learn more about joining the fire service.  Click here for a list of participating fire departments.  

logoLook for fire service opportunities by visiting  Many Vermont Fire Departments are listed on this site to help connect fire departments with potential members.

For Fire Departments:  Take these simple steps to participate in this event.

It is easy for every fire department in Vermont to participate and there is no cost to the local fire department.  To participate in the program, a fire department first registers on the “Make Me A Firefighter” website.  This is a free resource to advertise your need for firefighters.  A multi-media advertising campaign will direct the community to seek out fire service opportunities using this website.

Next, advertisements are running on WCAX television, the WCAX website, Facebook, and Instagram highlighting the need for new members to join the fire service.  The ads will direct community members to the “Make Me a Firefighter” website and also highlight a statewide recruitment event to take place on May 11, 2024.

We encourage local fire departments to host an open house and recruiting day on Saturday, May 11, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  This event will be your opportunity to recruit in-person and hold demonstrations to spark community interest.

Step 1:  Enroll

Enroll your fire department on the “Make Me A Firefighter” website (  Enter your opportunities to join the fire service here into a searchable database.  You then have access to customizable marketing materials, resources, tips, and recruitment ideas.  CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Step 2:  Identify

Identify a recruitment officer for your department to organize and coordinate your local recruiting efforts.

Step 3:  Notify

Notify the Operation Mayday program that you are participating and that you will be holding an open house on May 11, 2024.  We will add you to the list of participating departments.  CLICK HERE TO REGISTER YOUR DEPARTMENT

Next, start advertising locally to notify your community that you are participating by distributing flyers, making social media posts, web postings, and more. 

CLICK HERE for an Operation Mayday advertising template that you can customize. Use this template to make posters and social media posts.

Step 4:  Host

Host an “Operation Mayday” open house at your fire station on May 11, 2024 where you have an opportunity to meet perspective members, conduct demonstrations, and make the need for help known to the community.  

CLICK HERE for some suggestions on activities to conduct at your open house.

Need more information?

CLICK HERE for a brochure with more information or contact the Vermont Fire Academy at 802-483-2755.